Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Remove AutoClicker.exe - Malware/Virus

Download free AutoClicker Remover here:
Visit Developer's Website or FREE DOWNLOAD NOW 

About Autoclicker.exe - It's a trojan program that is risky for the computer.

About AutoClicker.exe Remover - Automatically ends autoclicker process and Removes it from your computer. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Remove AutoIt3.exe, Skypee.lnk, Google.lnk and googleupdate.a3x manually.

Remove AutoIt3.exe, Skypee.lnk, Google.lnk and googleupdate.a3x manually.
Download free tool remover here.

These are the following files inside the Skypee and Google folder:
  1.  AutoIt3.exe
  2. Google.lnk
  3. Skypee.lnk
  4. googleupdate.a3x
When executing the AutoIt3.exe or when accidentally click the AutoIt3.exe will Show an Open Dialog Box finding these extensions: .au3 and .a3x file, or the AutoIt3.exe simply executes the googleupdate.a3x and the target of this virus could be much risky.

If your computer is infected with AutoIt3 you can easily remove them by following this simple steps:

First you can open Task Manager by Win+R and type taskmgr and hit Enter (Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Del)  then Click on AutoIt3.exe and Click "End Process" to end the virus execution.
This also can be done using Command Prompt by typing this following command: "taskkill /im AutoIt3.exe /f" without quote.

Next find the Google and Skypee folder in your Drive.
Delete these folders by using Shift+Delete to permanently removing the files without moving it to Recycle Bin.
You can also type to Command Prompt: "del AutoIt3.exe Google.lnk Skypee.lnk googleupdate.a3x /s /f /a", this will delete these files in all directories and sub-directories in your drive if present.

The next step to do is to delete all the AutoIt3.exe entries to the Registry.
Open Registry Editor by Win+R then type "regedit".
Go to Menu Bar click "Edit" (Alt+E) then select "Find..." then type "AutoIt3.exe" to find all corresponding keys with AutoIt3.exe.
Then Delete all AutoIt3.exe entries when found.

    '32 bit Registry Entries




    '64 bit Registry Entries






Then that would be all the steps.
These steps on removing AutoIt3 is based only on my knowledge about the behavior of the virus upon testing it or running it in both 32bit and 64bit version of Windows 7 OS.
I had also developed an application using the Visual Basic for this virus issue for easier and quicker removal of this virus. (I just don't know how to embed the app here.)
 Thank you for reading... God bless...